New York City Favorites

NY activity favorites:

1. Chelsea Market: One of my favorites. This is a collection of restaurants and specialty food stores located right by New York’s hottest new park, the Highline. Grab some food from one of the many stalls, and head to Highline for a picnic!

2. Highline: This was a once an above-ground rail line used to transport freight on the west side of Manhattan. Abandoned for years, a local community group rallied to save it from being torn down, and it was eventually turned into a beautiful green space. There are so many amazing views and little features to enjoy, and it is totally free. 

3. Brooklyn Bridge: One of my most memorable moments was walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. Once we got to the Brooklyn side, we ate pizza at the original, famous Grimaldi’s. This is one of the most historic, and scenic walks through NYC. Even better, it is free and family friendly. 

4. Ferry to see Statue of Liberty: This is a great way to rest your tired feet after walking all over the city, and the wind off the water of the Hudson is a great way to cool off on a hot NYC summer day. The Staten Island Ferry is a free ride across the harbor that offers a great view of the Statue of Liberty. The Circle Line Ferries costs a little bit of money, but get really close to the statue and will cruise you by other tourist attractions like the Brooklyn Bridge. 

5. Empire State building: You can’t go to New York City without at least walking by this building. Simply breathtaking.  

6. Shopping on 5th ave. Stores that I usually go to in Texas are just so much better in New York.  Don’t feel guilty visiting some of your favorites for better selection and awesome displays. Shopping here is awesome, enough said. 

7. Central Park. You could spend a whole day here! I loved renting a canoe and cruising around the Central Park Lake. Bring lunch and make an afternoon of it. You can rent your boat at the Loeb Boathouse for a small fee. 

8. Natural history museum: One of the best around! Think Night at the Museum x2.

9. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Amazing, great collection of art! Note-the entrance fee is suggested donation only, so if you’re tight on cash just pay what you can. 

10. Coney Island: Exactly as you picture it. If you go on a Friday night in the summer, you can enjoy the free fireworks. 

11. Other sites to see: Flat Iron building, World Trade Center, Washington Square Parks 

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